

Recording begins mid-sentence, Lionel Kearns continues "The Parable of the Seventh Seal".


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Continues "The Parable of the Seventh Seal". [Audience laughter.]


Annotation- BP Nichol


Reads "Historical Implications of Turnips"


BP Nichol


This is called, for a reason I cannot remember at all, "Cycle Number 22".


Annotation- BP Nichol


Reads "Cycle Number 22".


BP Nichol


This next poem's called "The Child in Me". It's kind of what all sound poetry's about anyways. Enough said.


Annotation- BP Nichol


Reads "The Child in Me".


BP Nichol


This is a poem called "The New New Captain Poetry Blues" and it's for David McFadden. Captain Poetry is kind of this person that happened a long time ago in a magazine I used to edit called Ganglia, and David McFadden is still happening in Hamilton, and is probably Canada's best poet and what else is there to say? Oh yes, a little footnote, there's a place in here called "Plunkett" which really exists and my mother was born there strangely enough. This is all about that.


Annotation- BP Nichol


Reads "The New New Captain Poetry Blues".


Lionel Kearns


This poem is called "Split".


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Split".


Lionel Kearns


People occasionally, when they're put on the spot to ask me questions, say "What's it like to be a poet", or "Is it true that so and so and so and so.." and things like that, questions that are impossible to answer. But there is something about being a poet, and this is one of the things, this is one of the differences, and this poem is called "The Difference".


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "The Difference".  Published as “Roles” [Recording is often CUT to remove laughter and applause from the recording.]


Lionel Kearns


This is an older poem, it's a Christmas poem, it was written at the time when Coustchef got his call down, also about the time of the American intervention in the Dominican Republic, where the Americans came in because they knew that there were Cuban influences, or the Cubans were behind the so-called rebels in the Dominican Republic and one of the proofs was that some of the rebels had been seen wearing green uniforms. Of course, most military uniforms are kind of green, but they pointed out that some of Fidel Castro's soldiers had green uniforms too. But this is Christmas poem.


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Christmas Poem”.


Lionel Kearns


I make most of my living teaching at Simon Frasier University and we have some troubles out there sometimes. One of the things that troubled us was the fact that when we were giving lectures to large crowds, we sometimes used the public address system and we found out that back- that the public address system was hooked up with- operated with an FM band, and the, all your lectures could be picked up on an FM set, for example, an FM set in the President's office. We've since lost that President. And this is called "University".


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "University". [note: recording has a double recording of the reading in part 1.]


Lionel Kearns


This one is called "Economic Chronology".


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Economic Chronology".


BP Nichol


This one's called "Alimony, Old Baloney".


Annotation- BP Nichol


Reads "Alimony, Old Baloney".


Annotation- BP Nichol


CUT in tape, but perhaps reads from the same series of Captain Poetry stories. "One day CP hitched a ride..." [INDEX: bill bissett, David McFadden.]


Lionel Kearns


Well if BP is going to keep reading his Captain Poetry poems, I'm going to read my “Ventilation Parable”. This is an epic.


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Ventillation Parable".


Lionel Kearns


This poem is called "Creation"


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Creation".


BP Nichol


I'm going to do that dangerous thing and read a poem I wrote last night. That's [inaudible-- tape warps and speech is inaudible.]


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads line "Imagination Explodes, they grow old quick and die"


BP Nichol


[Tape rewinds back to BP Nichol introducing poem at 31:52.] I'm going to do that dangerous thing and read a poem I wrote last night. That's waking Lionel up at 7:30 this morning which he didn't quite forgive me for. It starts off with a quote from a poem by Bobby Hoat [?.] Well, yesterday we were up at Carlton doing a reading there. It's a poem called "Zero Phase". There's a town referred to in here called "Vars" which happens to be where he lives. It's a very groovy little place, just outside of...


Lionel Kearns


Can you hear?


BP Nichol


Is that okay? If I talk kind of into it like this?


Annotation- BP Nichol


Reads "Zero Phase".


BP Nichol


This is a poem called "Returning". It sort of was written after I wrote a book of poetry called Journeying and the Returns.


Annotation- BP Nichol


Reads "Returning".


Lionel Kearns


I'm going- I'm going to read a series of poems again, from my collection Pointing. This one is called "It's".




NOTE: The part of the recording is repeated from I086-11-026.1 (the first part of this reading) from 53:28.68, and Cuts out again at 54:02.90.


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "It's".


Lionel Kearns


A lot of the poems in this book, derive their images from dreams, and this is a poem which is about a dream I had. And it's- I've interpreted the dream some extent of the poem- I interpreted as a kind of message about where I do get my images for my poems, or where I got them at this particular period. And I called "Ambergery, a Statement on Source". Ambergery, being that stuff that sick whales cough up and which floats around on the ocean and it's very smelly stuff but it's very valuable stuff if you find it floating around because you can sell it for a great deal of money to perfume factories. And that's the interpretation of the series of images that follow.


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Ambergery, a Statement on Source".


Lionel Kearns


And this one, called "Contra-diction", it's a poem that is often anthologized. It's a poem that I like because I think it does what usually I'm trying to do in poems. It's not a very big poem, but it's neat, I think.


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Contra-Diction".


Lionel Kearns


This one is called "Both".


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Both".


Lionel Kearns


[CUT] This is an early poem that I wrote, it fits into a series of poems that I was writing at the time in which I was dealing with my own background, trying to come to terms with things like my own Catholic background, and as you will see the central image is a Christian one. The situation is the fairgrounds actual- the actual situation is the PNE- the Pacific National Exhibition. It's an easter poem called "Friday at the Ex"


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Friday at the Ex".


Lionel Kearns


And this one, called "Prototypes".


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "Prototypes".


Lionel Kearns


And I think this is the last one I'll read, it's called "End Poem". An appropriate title.


Annotation- Lionel Kearns


Reads "End Poem".


Annotation- BP Nichol


[CUT] Reads line "I wanted to forget you, so I tried to erase your name...".







bpNichol and Lionel Kearns at SGWU, 1968, Part 2

Catalog numberI086-11-026.2
Notes"Second reading in the third series"
Sound qualityUnfortunately the recording sounds like it has been recorded over. At many points, it is as if the recording has looped and is being re-played in the background. This most likely occurred sometime after the original recording and digitization. It is audible, however, with a patient ear.
SpeakersbpNichol, Lionel Kearns

00:00- Recording begins mid-sentence, Lionel Kearns continues reading “The Parable of the Seventh Seal”.

06:17- BP Nichol reads “Historical Implications of Turnips”.

07:02- BP Nichol introduces “Cycle Number 22”.

07:13- BP Nichol reads “Cycle Number 22”.

07:49- BP Nichol introduces “The Child in Me”.

08:09- BP Nichol reads “The Child in Me”.

09:10- BP Nichol introduces “The New New Captain Poetry Blues”.

09:48- BP Nichol reads “The New New Canadian Captain Poetry Blues”.

12:53- Lionel Kearns reads “Split”.

14:07- Lionel Kearns introduces “The Difference” (published as “Roles”).

14:40- Lionel Kearns reads “The Difference”

15:40- Lionel Kearns introduce “Christmas Poem”. , American intervention in the Dominican Republic, Cuban influence, rebels, green uniforms, military uniforms, Fidel Castro; from By the Light of the Silvery McLune: Media Parables, Poems, Signs, Gestures and other Assaults of the Interface (The Daylight Press, 1969).]

16:51- Lionel Kearns reads “Christmas Poem”.

17:57- Lionel Kearns introduces “University”.

18:55- Lionel Kearns reads “University”.

19:24- Lionel Kearns reads “Economic Chronolgy”.

19:42- BP Nichol reads “Alimony, Old Baloney”.

24:15- CUT in tape, BP Nichol reads first line “One day CP hitched a ride...”

26:25- Lionel Kearns introduces “Ventilation”.

26:43- Lionel Kearns reads “Ventilation Parable”.

31:19- Lionel Kearns reads “Creation”.

31:52- BP Nichol introduces “Zero Phase”. Recording becomes inaudible as sound warps. CUT in tape.

32:00- Lionel Kearns reads first line “Imagination explodes, they grow old quick and die...”

32:21- Tape rewinds to BP Nichol introducing poem at 31:52.

32:21- BP Nichol introduces “Zero Phase”. , Carleton University reading, town Vars.]

32:51- Lionel Kearns asks audience if they can hear.

33:04- BP Nichol reads “Zero Phase”.

34:36- BP Nichol introduces “Returning”.

34:58- BP Nichol reads “Returning”.

37:49- Lionel Kearns introduces “It”. NOTE: The part of the recording is repeated from I086-11-026.1 (the first part of this reading) from 53:28.68, and Cuts out again at 54:02.90.

38:13- Lionel Kearns reads “It”.

38:45- Lionel Kearns introduces “Ambergris, a Statement on Source”.

39:55- Lionel Kearns reads “Ambergris, a Statement on Source”.

40:42- Lionel Kearns introduces “Contra-Diction”.

41:12- Lionel Kearns reads “Contra-Diction”.

41:40- Lionel Kearns reads “Both”.

42:07- Lionel Kearns introduces “Friday at the Ex”.

43:07- Lionel Kearns reads “Friday at the Ex”.

43:34- Lionel Kearns reads “Prototypes”

45:33- Lionel Kearns introduces “End Poem”.

45:42- Lionel Kearns reads “End Poem”.

46:05- BP Nichol reads line “I wanted to forget you, so I tried to erase your name...”.