Author Archive – page 3

SpokenWeb Meeting #10 Minutes

Posted by deanna

SpokenWeb Meeting #10 – August 25th, 2011 – 2:00 P.M.   Present: Jason Camlot, Annie Murray, Jared Wiercinski, Celyn Harding-Jones, Deanna Fong     Agenda: -Articulate and refine the research axes presented at our last… Continue reading

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SpokenWeb Meeting #9 Minutes

Posted by deanna

SpokenWeb Meeting #9 – August 16th, 2011 4:00PM   Present: Jason Camlot, Jared Wiercinski, Annie Murray, Celyn Harding-Jones, Deanna Fong Agenda -Brainstorm for Insight Grant (Fall 2011) Insight Grants: General Information Duration of grant: from… Continue reading

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Minutes from Meeting #8- June 15, 2011

Posted by deanna

SpokenWeb Meeting #8 – June 15th, 2011 4:00PM   Present: Jason Camlot, Darren Wershler, Jared Wiercinski, Annie Murray, Matthieu Tremblay, Celyn Harding-Jones, Melanie Bell, Deanna Fong Agenda -Jared- Meeting with SoundCloud   – Jason- Update re:… Continue reading

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Notes on Print Sources

Posted by deanna

As discussed in our last meeting, Melanie and I have been working on locating and transcribing from the print sources for the poems in the George Bowering, Henry Beissel and Eli Mandel readings. We have… Continue reading

Filed under Research

Minutes from Meeting 7- March 17th, 2011

Posted by deanna

Meeting minutes- March 17th, 2011 12:00 – 2:00 pm Present: Jason Camlot, Annie Murray, Jared Wiercinski, Darren Wershler, Matthieu Trembley and Deanna Fong Agenda -Overview of issues raised at previous meeting re: Soundcloud -Discussion of… Continue reading

Filed under Meeting Notes