Author Archive – page 2

Postdoctoral Fellow: Discovery and Metadata for Digital Audio Archives

Posted by Jason Camlot

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Discovery and Metadata for Digital Audio Archives Department of English, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. The Department of English at Concordia University is accepting applications for a one-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Discovery and… Continue reading

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Further Comments on New Site Design

Posted by Jason Camlot

At our last SpokenWeb team meeting we discussed aspects of the new design that Matt has developed.  While the overarching response has been “it’s awesome!”, there were a few comments concerning the effect that the… Continue reading

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New website design!

Posted by Jason Camlot

As you may have noticed, SpokenWeb 2.0 has a new design! I’ve worked hard to make a simple, elegant design, and of course I’m happy to hear about complaints, suggestions, annoyances, etc. Here’s a quick… Continue reading

Filed under Website

About has been updated

Posted by Jason Camlot

Just to let you know that the contents of the “About” page have finally been updated, using text from Annie, as well as additional text that I’ve written about the Series itself, and its role… Continue reading

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