Author Archive – page 3

Revising the website security

Posted by Jason Camlot

Hi all, I’ve changed the way to authenticate into the website. Before, we had a single master password which wasn’t all that secure, and led to a few complications concerning the survey. From now on,… Continue reading

Filed under Website


Posted by Jason Camlot

I think we can create an interesting and data rich timeline using this opensource tool: Let’s discuss it, among many other things, at our next team meeting. J

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Digital Bricolage

Posted by Jason Camlot

I know this isn’t all that original, but maybe that’s my point: As I work on my my paper for the Click on Knowledge conference (“SpokenWeb 2.0: Imagining the Spoken Word Archive from Cylinder to… Continue reading

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Feedback and Interviews (Oral History of SGW Poetry Series)

Posted by Jason Camlot

This post is ultimately about questionnaires.  We need to develop two kinds.  One for feedback from researchers and one for historical contextualization. 1. I have begun to send the link and password to the SpokenWeb… Continue reading

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Looking at Sound Waves

Posted by Jason Camlot

Related to the discussion thread about what we look at when we listen: One thing we already have working in our SpokenWeb interface is a graphic representation of the sound wave as a linear wave… Continue reading

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